Dating To Relating

I’ve checked out a lot of Dating Gurus.Some have useful information, some don’t. When it comes to meeting women, most only give you information that works in one situation or with one type of girl. That’s why most still say it is a numbers game.

Then NONE of them tell you what to do afer you meet a girl. How to turn a phone number into a girlfriend or a realtionship or a wife. THAT’s because they DON’T know.

That is why I entered the arena. To give guys information that is useful across situations and with different types of girls.

I show you how to qualify women for relationships and I show you how to meet them and close 80-90% of the qualified women you meet NO MATTER WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE or HOW OLD YOU ARE!!

NO, it is NOT a numberd game….if you really know what you are doing…..

But that is MY OPINION of what you guys need and want. What I’d really like to know is what you guys feel dating gurus fail to teach or tell you, and what you’d like to get out of a “dating guru” that no one seems to be telling you.

So here is your chance. Let me know what you’d really like to know and I will try to get you the answers…

Mr L. Rx

John says:

I took a course from David DeAngelo and I have vastly improved my ability to get phone numbers from random women. But I have a hard time turning that into a date when I call them up and getting a second date, etc. even if I get a first one. Does your book address yes.

mrlrx says:

That is a common question. Yes my book totally addresses these type of issues. And adresses how to meet a woman and turn it into a relationship.

I pre-qualify women (That means I only go out with women I am interested in)and I close about 90% of my first dates. (That means after the first date 90% of the women I go out with want to have a relationship with me.)

It’s too big a subject to handle here (that is why I wrote a book) but do a web search for my article

“Do You Know How To Get A Second Date With A Woman?”

for some good data or go to

and you will see the article on the right hand side under the Featured Products box.

Sally says:

I have read some of your articles and writing. I think you are right when you differentiate between different types of men and women. I think most of the GUY dating Guru’s figure out one type of women and then think all women are like that…. WRONG!!!

Anthony says:

I have no problem flirting with women in the right way once I know what type of girl they are and what they respond to. The problem is I usually cannot tell how to spot what type of flirting would work with them until it’s too late and I’ve messed it up by flirting in ways that, frankly, turn them off. Do you have any advice on how to figure out what “kind” of girl someone is rather quickly without having to go through the trial and error thing?

mrlrx says:

Well Anthony the answer to that question is about 3 chapters or 20+ pages out of my book….but the good news is I DO answer that question in my book “DATING TO RELATING – From A to Z.”

The problem with most pick up lines and pick up strategies is that they only work on a certain type of woman and you have to just sort of do it to everyone you meet and see who it ends up working on. Hence you end up with low percentages.

Real pick up technique is based on observation. Sometimes you can observe a woman in a matter of seconds and know what type she is and what to do. Other times you may have to watch her for a few minutes to decide. Still other times you may have to “test the water” so to speak and start a very neutral conversation to assess where to go next.

I wish I could give you a simple answer to your question here, but really you picked probably the most COMPLEX question you could ask. If you check out the three articles I have posted here, however, you will see how I developed a simple way of knowing what to say and do with different types of women in clubs that I could act upon in seconds after seeing a woman. Note also however that this was developed after months of hard observation in clubs.

In DATING TO RELATING, I go into minute detail telling you what to observe and how to act upon these observations. I tell you the ONE SINGLE thing that you must observe that is common to ALL women and MEN — no matter their type. And I tell you how the observation of this one single thing YIELDS the different types and many different situational strategies.

If you read the three articles I have posted here, you will see what I mean. The strategies for a “Love Girl” a “Beautiful Tease” and a “Regular Girl” are vastly (almost unrecognizably different) yet they were ALL BASED upon and generated from the observation of one thing — the observation of the same principle that ALL WOMEN and MEN have in common.

Get DATING TO RELATING when it comes out and you will learn all about this principle.

Good Luck!

Mr. L. Rx

Fernando says:

I need this information in spanish. I like your letters.



ayman says:

hi honey im is ayman and from egypt helloo ,

cindy says:

took a course from David DeAngelo and I have vastly improved my ability to get phone numbers from random women. But I have a hard time turning that into a date when I call them up and getting a second date, etc. even if I get a first one. Does your book address yes.

mrlrx says:

Yes we specifically take you from dating tech to relating tech. The book still in not finished yet though. In the meantime you might want to look at
the article “How to Get A Second Date.” at:

DORIS says:

hook me up

martha says:

looking4 freinds is hard here like2 communicate i live in somerset looking 4 freinds

willson says:

pls iwill like to know the way to sign in cos am already a member

willson says:

i will like to know the waqy i can sign in to relatingtodationg cos am a member and i will like you to give me the website to sign in ok


gerald says:

i want to meet girl does

vervptk says:


My name is Ekaterina. I looked your profile and have decided to write to you. You have liked me and I have thought that probably you will answer and then we could learn each other better. What do you think of it? I want to find the person to love and be together always. You can search too it? If I am interesting to you write on mine e-mail: . I wait your answer. Ekaterina.

alex says:

please for the real purpose of distinguishing between scammers and real people on this site,i am throwing a real challenge to any woman between the the ages of 40 to 55 to realy hook up with me for what i believe will lead into a serious relationship.i am realy serious and that anybody who tries to play in the mind games will be detected.i need real women and if u are a scammer or not serious pls stay away.any serious person can mail me on
good luck to all the ladies

youare good in sex

naveen says:

hi im looking for a girl for friendsip

Aamir says:

I am in a big problem of love from past 5 years. i speek with the girl everday in phone from past 2 yeary but she is really not ready to meet me anywhere. and the girl also loves me she did not say it to me but i know it that she also loves me so can you help me to meet her in any ways please. i really love here.

tbg says:

i hope you accept me

imran says:

my thought that one frierd is enough

imrul says:

as a learner i need a guru

kiran says:


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